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Test Certificates

What is a test Certificate and why is it important?

~ It is effectively a Guarantee that ensures Traceability and protects all parties

~ In many cases the material has no value to a customer unless it is accompanied by a test certificate

Who issues it?

~ The manufacturing mill and/or an inspection authority

What is dual certification?

~ This is when a certificate shows that material meets, and can thus be sold as, more than one specification, such as types 304 and 304L

What should you do with it?

~ Check that the reference number on it correspond with those on the packaging and the material itself
~ Check that the information on it conforms to the standard/specification you have ordered
~ Keep it on file
~ If applicable, scan it into the Test Certificate System with the appropriate references
~ Supply copies to customers – One with the delivery note and another with the invoice
~ Supply further copies to customers as and when requested


Types of Test Certificate

~ Certificate of Conformance - This is sometimes supplied instead of a test certificate with material that is for less critical applications – It can be issued by anybody and may have limited value - If a customer requires true Test Certificates then a Certificate of Conformance will not be acceptable:

  • It is a guarantee that the material meets the standards to which it has been supplied
  • It shows typical chemical composition and mechanical properties rather than the exact values for the specific material supplied


~ DIN 50049 / 2.2 – Now renamed EN10204 / 2.2

  • Not batch specific
  • Gives average values for that material from that mill over a period


~ DIN 50049 / 3.1B – Now renamed EN10204 / 3.1

  • Batch specific
  • Essential for critical applications
  • Cannot be issued by the mill in retrospect


~ DIN 50049/3.1C - Now renamed EN 10204 / 3.2 

  • As for 3.1 Certificate but with independent witnessing of testing at mill production stage by appropriate inspecition authority such as Lloyds / DNV / SGS